Reporter/Intern - 2012
Mythos Pathos illuminates Greek Myth at Somerville Arts at the Armory Energy. Somerville Journal, July 2012
“Mythos/Pathos which opens August 3rd at Arts at the Armory in Somerville is an exploration of performance art, light and the infinite…” (click to read more)
Audits keep Somerville Residents Cool. Somerville Journal, July 2012
“Summer is a time for relaxation and a city group is trying to keep residents from expending too much energy while they try to keep cool. The city commission and energy use and climate change…” (click to read more)
Boylston Chess Club holds international Tournament. Somerville Journal, August 2012
“The main room of the Boylston Chess Club is not fancy. Its windowless, lined with bookshelves and sporadic chess themed poster art. Long tables, preset with chess boards flanked by mismatched chairs, dominate the room…” (click to read more)
Hubway bicycles officially hit Somerville. Somerville Journal, August 2012
“There were lots of smiles and bikes in front of Somerville City Hall on August 8 as employees and enthusiasts gathered for the official opening of…” (click to read more)