Behind the lens

By the time I started photo school in September of 2004 I had been nursing a low key obsession with photography for the better part of 14 years. Although I had always been interested in visual art and had …

The Decentralized Dance Party
A summer party is always fun, but a decentralized dance party… is next level. There were so many interesting things……

Dom Pérignon Abstracts
…The parameters for the entries to the Dom Pérignon-Karl Lagerfeld ‘A Bottle Named Desire’ Photography competition were simple…

ROI: Field Notes of a modern professional
One of the interesting things about being an artist is that inspiration can strike when you least expect it…

The Green Side of the Fence: Urban Gardening in Boston
In this 12 minute documentary we explore the rich history of urban gardening in Boston and discuss the importance urban gardening has played in the history of the city….

10 Tips for Finally Starting that Scanning Project
No time like the present to finally start going through those old photos and creating a digital archive or photo book (of diaries, sketchbooks, artwork whatever…) I think this is a great idea and a great way to start…

From Brainfart to Fever Dream: A Brief History of Four Letter Word
The start of my first blog roughly coincided with the start of 2009 and the halfway point in a long term temp assignment I took to hold me over between freelance gigs in February of 2007 …

Un Conjunto de Ideas
..As I worked researching, writing and photographing these events a question formed in my mind that couldn’t be answered in a straightforward fashion. What happens when people and public art collide?…